Sonatas for Solo Violin by J.S. Bach (transcribed for flute)
J.S. Bach
Sonatas for Solo Violin
(transcribed for flute)
Opus 7
Released date: 2022
ISBN 9 790803 760065
€ 24.90

This transcription was based on the original manuscript, my source being the version copied by Anna Magdalena Bach. The dynamics and articulations follow the manuscript as closely as possible. I have added none of my own so as to leave the performer free to interpret this rich music. I realise that for most flautists, playing from a score with no tempi, dynamics, articulations and breathing marked will be a little confusing. But that is precisely what I believe is so rich about this version closely following the original. I hope you will enjoy playing them as much as I do ! Frédéric Matagne